Saturday, March 24, 2012

Irresistible craving for junk food? You only have your MOMMY to blame !!!

That’s what a new research suggests. Several times this question may have popped up in your mind, Why the hell am I not able to resist that lip smacking samosas and vada pavs ? Isn’t it? So here goes the answer. If the recent study is to be believed then the reason behind your craving is all thanks to what your mother ate during pregnancy.
The researchers claim that pregnant woman who is more into savoring junk food can expect to have infants, who will have an irresistible craving for it in their adolescents. So now you can accuse your mommy dearest for not able to give up that samosas and vadas.
The study lays down the fact that the high salt and fat levels in junk food diets have the capacity to reprogram unborn and breastfeeding infant’s food preferences.

Irresistible craving for junk food? Blame it on your Mommy Dear!!
Commenting on the research findings, lead author Beverly Muhlhausler, from the FOOD plus Research Centre in the School of Agriculture Food and Wine at the University of Adelaide, Australia, said,
“These results will help us to better help women about diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding for giving their infants the best start in life.”

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